VSI is a Source Control plugin for Content Studio CMS provided by Teknikhuset AB.
The plugin allows users to Direct Access the Content Studio CMS through .NET Remoting using TCP (default port is 9792).
The plug in allows you to completely develop and debug a Content Studio Web Site in Visual Studio.
New 2015-03-24
New 2015-04-16
- When adding a new Web Form (.aspx, .ascx, .master) in solution, VSI ensures the code behind inherit from correct CS base class.
- Context menu action "Update configuration" on site root now includes a "Get latest" action on the "bin" folder.
- Telerik integration only occures if site has Telerik installed.
New 2015-04-16
- Optimize check out speed if file is not modified.
- Support for nested files (ie save on style.css also save style.min.css and style.css.map
New 2015-05-05
- Support for debugging CS Edit in CS 5.7
- Bug fixes and performance optimizations.
- Support for new image croping with face detection functionality (CS 5.7 only) when debugging.
New 2015-05-21
- Support for Visual Studio 2015
New 2015-05-27
- Fix bug where context menu actions is out of sync if properties window is not shown.
- Fix deadlock in Visual Studio 2015 RC
- Performance optimization when opening new large web sites
- Allow "_" in start of filenames to ignore sass compilation
New 2015-08-18
New 2015-08-25
- Minor bug fix intruduced in 2015-08-18 build.
New 2015-09-02
- Bug fix: Inherited Directives from parent category was not applied pages and user controls after "Add to ContentStudio"
- Faster and more responsive search using vsi_GotoDocument action.
New 2015-10-26
- "Get latest" now supports deleted and renamed files and folders.
- Solution explorer identifies outdated files
New 2015-10-28
- Support for permanent delete.
New 2015-11-18
- Support for force check in.
New 2015-11-20
- Better type script support.
New 2016-01-26
- Support for CS 5.7 Update 1
- Switch to output window if needed to get better progress overview
New 2016-11-16
- Support for nested folders in Bin folder
New 2016-11-23
- Fix bug in modified date detection when adding new binary document
New 2017-03-23
- Support for Visual Studio 2017
New 2017-05-09
- Support for Content Studio 5.7 Update 2
New 2017-05-24
- Hide binaries in the bin folder that is not a part of the actual web site on the web server
- Ignore showing unhandled exceptions thrown by background threads in a VSI specific window.
New 2017-06-05
- Async Open new site
- Better progress status when downloading large sites
- Collect all CS Server binaries in bin/CSServer sub folder
- VSI can now delete core files that are deleted from server
New 2019-03-25
- Support for Visual Studio 2019
- XSD and XDR schema saving
- Manage presentation templates
New 2020-03-26
- Fix Bug when open in Visual Studio 2019 16.4
- Performance optimizations
- Fix scrollbars in VSI Output Window
New 2022-01-05
- Support for Visual Studio 2022
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