Solution template for creating a restful service stack for Entity Framework, FlitBit.IoC, RedRocket Frameworks.
The project template contains the following project structure:
To use, File New > RedRocket Component Rest > Enter the name of your solution and project. The project name will be the root name of your projects, for example if I put Foo as the solution name, and Foo.Users as the project name I will get the following structure. Foo (Solution) Upon creation: Do a ReplaceAll on //ReplaceMe// and replace it with the name of the Project Name, in the example above I would replace it with Foo.Users. (I'm hoping to make this step go away really soon with a wizard) Enable Package Restore Build.. (You may have to clean after you build the first time, there are a couple naunces i'm working through) Here is al link to a full code example, until I am able to get all the templates up and working properly..