TFS Version Tree extension is designed to show the history of any source control element across multiple branches including there label and merge information. It also allows user to trace the merged changes across branches for better bug tracking and investigation.
TFS Source control feature is very popular in developer community. The source control has all the required metadata like changeset information, labels, changed by, changed date, merges and many more. However, many times developers have to perform multiple steps to access them. For example:
To find out the changeset went in which build.
To find out who changed particular code and on which branch.
To compare versions between across branches
To trace merges across branches based on selected changeset
and many more...
This extension is designed to provide quick information about your changes and branched history of selected file or folder.
View Branched History: Allow user to view history of files across multiple branches graphically including merge and label information.
Partial Branched History: User can select interesting branches and quickly view the history that is most matter for the case.
Search Labels: User can select and focus to the version that is in selected label. Very useful to compare between build labels.
Search Changeset: User can select and focus to the Changeset that is required to be compared or viewed for more details.
Flexible Version Tree: User can select each object in tree and move around them to see the more information if tree is very complicated.
Directory Version Tree: User can view changesets of all the files under the selected directory. This is slow operation, as it details all the changesets affecting files under that directory and labels.
Informative Tool-Tip: User can see the comments, date of checkin, and more information in the Tool-Tip of the tree objects.
Show\Hide Merges: User can hide or show all merges if the version tree is complicated and hard to follow. User has right click option to focus on the selected changeset.
Show\Hide Labels: User can hide or show all labels if the version tree looks complex. User has right click option to view labels of the selected changeset.
Right Click Operation: User can select any version and right click on it for following operations.
View: User can see the content of selected file.
Changeset Detail: User can view the details of the selected Changeset.
Compare: User can compare selected version of file with other version.
View Labels: User can view labels applied on the selected version that are not visible due to space constraints.
View Merges: User can select to view incoming, outgoing, or all merges of the selected changeset, if the merges are hidden.
Trace: User can highlight the merge arrows and traced changesets based on selection.
To Top: Highlights the merge arrows and changesets that are in trace path from the selected changeset to topmost branch, if the changeset is merged to top branch.
To Bottom: Highlights the merge arrows and changesets that are in trace path from the selected changeset to lowest branches, if the changeset is merged to bottom branches.
To/From Selected Changeset: Highlights the merge arrows and changeset that are in trace path of selected chaneset to other selected changeset.
Evaluate and Get 20% off
Note: Feedback is very valuable to us. Therefore, we are releasing beta version for the developers, who are interested in evaluating and providing feedback. To appreciate developers' time for evaluation and feedback, we will provide 20% off on entire order of the released product that is placed before April 30th 2014. Please use feedback form, which is located at the end of the page, to provide feedback.