Add a Solidity project to your solution using the "New Project..." dialog or use the Visual Studio "Open Folder..." feature to open a folder with Solidity contracts.
If using the Open Folder... feature, your folder should contain one of the following files:
Edit Solidity files as normal. Use Visual Studio's package.json editing support to add your smart contract dependencies and right-click on an existing package.json
and select "Install NPM dependencies". To build a Solidity project use the Build menu commands and shortcuts as usual or run dotnet build MyProj.solproj from the command-line.
To compile an individual Solidity file or when using the Open Folder... feature, right-click on the file in Solution Explorer and select 'Compile Solidity File'.
The very first time you open a Solidity file the extension will install the necessary Node.js modules in the extension's private node_modules directory.
This will take a few seconds to complete so Intellisense won't be available during installation but after the modules are installed the first time,
editing Solidity contracts will be as usual.