What about it ? There are various types of merchant accounts offered byPayPal. As there is no monthly fees for maintaining an account with Website Payments Standard, Website Payments Standard is the common choice for most of the developers. Although it is free from PayPal, yet it is very hard to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard in a organized way.An ASP.NET webform contains a form and a form cannot contain nested form. So, you would need to adopt a very hard way of manual coding. But, here is not the end, when you will need to change your business logic, you will realize how maintainance nightmare it is ! SpiceLogic offers a Single DLL ASP.NET Server Control for PayPal Website Payments Standard integration to your ASP.NET Website. The asembly contains a set of controls. These are Buy NowButton, Donation Button, Add to Cart Button,Subscription Button, Cancel Subscription Button,Upload Complete Cart Button, View Cart Button. The control expose a rich set of strongly typed objects and enhanced design time graphical user interface wizard.
But this is not only for Web Forms. It is a component for ASP.NET MVC Framework as well. Here is a screen shot of the usage of ASP.NET MVC Framework
Encrypted Website Payments Encrypted Website Payments buttons can be generated on the fly either from design time GUI or programmatically by providing the Certificate parameters. The design time GUI Wizard will even generate PKCS12 and PEM certificates for you.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) and Payment Data Transfer (PDT) The control encapsulates the Instant Payment Notification and Payment Data Transfer Scenario within its Server Side Events. So, Guess what ! These server side events must have event argument objects whcih contains all IPN & PDT variables as strongly typed sub properties and collection type properties. Handling IPN/PDT was never so easy to handle before. You do not even need to create a separate page for handling IPN, PayPal Return for Success/Failure etc. All can be done within a single page where you can encapsulate your Business Logic. But yes, this control will offer you option to use different pages for different scenario as well. State Management ViewState technology was developed for ASP.NET to allow developers to maintain state. But your customers leave your website for going to PayPal website and after successful or cancelled payments, your customers are transferred back to your website from PayPal website. At that point ViewState data is not available which was stored at the time when your customer clicked your BuyNow Button. In order to overcome this problem, PayPal offers some pass through variables like ItemNumber, Custom, Invoice etc. Those pass through variables meant for special purposes. The customer can see these variables so if you want to pass through some confidential data, these pass through variables are not suitable for that purpose. Those pass through variables are of limited length too. But when you use SpiceLogic ASP.NET PayPal Control for Website Payments Standard, you do not have to worry about his limitation. This control offers a Collection type property named AdditionalDataItems. You can store as many name value pair as you want into this property. This name value pair collection is accessible from IPN event handler and PDT event handler methods. The trial version setup comes with same Web Applications for Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 both inC#.NET and VB.NET languages so that your can build your eCommerce Website directly using the sample codes. Please check today athttp://www.spicelogic.com/Products/ASP-NET-PayPal-Control-for-Website-Payments-Standard-4 |