azure-apim-extensionFull Azure API Management suite and more VSTS extension DisclaimerThis software is provided as-is with no warranty of any kind. API Management Suite in a nutshellThe purpose of this extension is to bring Azure API Management into VSTS as part of your release lifecyle. Whether you use API Management to monetize APIS or for internal purposes, it is good to associate the release of your backends APIs with their corresponding facade APIs published against the API Gateway. On top of the API Management integration, the extension also ships with an API Security Checker that helps validating that all endpoints of an API are well secured, this is of course only applicable to non-public APIs. Release Notesv3.5.0
v2.0 - new featuresThe below features were added.
v2.0 - bug fixes
V1.0.1/2Update of the documentation. v1.0
Setup prerequisite and considerationsIn order to use this extension, you must have an ARM Service Endpoint configured in VSTS and make sure this endpoint is allowed to contribute to API Management instances. This can easily be done by granting Subscription Contributor role or the ad-hoc API Management Service Contributor role. Similarly, the endpoint should have access to the Azure Functions should you plan to use the tasks related to Azure Functions. Depending on your usage of API Management, some extra considerations should also be paid attention to. If your backend APIs are part of a dedicated VNET, make sure the VSTS agents have connectivity to them. In case you provide a web URL for the Swagger definition, the extension makes use of Swagger import and downloads the Swagger definition of the backend API. Therefore, connectivity between the VSTS agent and the target API is required. If you do not have such connectivity, you should fallback to in-line Swagger (provided as a piece of text) or a Swagger from file provided as a build artifact. For the latter, you might want to use a Config Transformation task as part of your release definition in order to inject the right API host as shown below:
Generic remarkAPI description and display name come from the OpenAPI definition itself, that's the reason why these settings are not captured by the tasks. PoliciesA few tasks allow to set policies at product and/or API level. They come with some pre-defined policies which you can override to adjust them to specific needs. You can easily use other policies by getting the default boilerplate config from the APIM Portal. Tasks included in the extensionAPI Management - Create or update productThis task allows you to create a new product or update an existing one. The following screenshot illustrates the task: API Management - Create or update APIThis task allows you to create a new Gateway API or update an existing one, against backend APIs. API Management - Create or update versioned APIThis task allows you to create a new Versioned Gateway API or update an existing one, against backend APIs. The reason why versioning has been put in a separate task is to make it clear for the VSTS Release Managers and to be compliant with the old way of working with APIM which did not support versioning in the past.
API Management - Create or update API against Azure FunctionsThis task allows you to create a new Gateway API or update an existing one, against Azure Functions that are protected with a code in the Function URL. For each and every function, a corresponding API Operation is created with a specific policy that injects the function's secret as a querystring parameter. API Management - Create or update versioned API against Azure FunctionsSame as above but in a versioned way. API Security CheckerThis very basic task parses the Swagger definition of an API (or MVC apps) to check whether all the exposed endpoints are secured. Every return code that differs from 401 or 302 (redirection to the login page) are marked unsafe. If at least one unsafe endpoint is discovered, the task fails to complete and all the tested endpoints appear in the logs. |