SonarLint: Your first line of defense for quality and secure codeSonarLint helps you detect and fix Bugs, Code Smells, and Security Vulnerabilities in-IDE. It supports C#, VB.NET, C, C++, JS, and TS. The extension highlights coding flaws on the fly and provides clear guidance to fix issues before code is committed. What is SonarLintSonarLint is a Free and Open Source IDE extension that identifies and helps you fix Code Quality and Code Security issues as you code. Analogous to a spell checker, SonarLint squiggles flaws and provides real-time feedback and clear remediation guidance so you can deliver clean code from the get-go. SonarLint for Visual Studio is more than your average linting tool.
SonarLint provides Visual Studio developers a comprehensive in-IDE solution for improving the quality and security of the code they deliver. Get Started with SonarLintAfter you download SonarLint, simply open a project, start coding and SonarLint will start analyzing your issues. You can also check out the SonarLint documentation here. Why SonarLintWith unparalleled support for C#, VB.NET, C, C++, JavaScript, and TypeScript, SonarLint performs on-the-fly smart analysis to ensure that the code you deliver is always high quality and secure.
SonarLint for TeamsSonarLint works great as a standalone tool but you can take it to the next level by connecting it with SonarQube or SonarCloud. SonarQube and SonarCloud analyze Pull Requests and branches in your DevOps platform (BitBucket, GitHub, Microsoft Azure, GitLab) and perform non-disruptive code quality and security checks to reliably track your codebase health. The 'connected mode' configuration ties SonarLint's continuous Code Quality and Code Security analysis from IDE to the entire CI/CD workflow and back again to your IDE.
Connect with our CommunityHave questions or need to report issues or provide suggestions? Stay connected with us on the SonarSource Community Forum. Our strong open source commitmentSince 2007 to present, SonarSource has invested in working closely with our community to provide code quality and security tooling that directly empower developers to deliver better software. Check out the source code on GitHub or view our issue tracker. If you are interested in contributing, visit our contributing page. LicenseCopyright 2016-2024 SonarSource. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0 |