ADO Build version dashbaord extension is mainly created to manage the ADO pipeline for all the projects and environemntes in single page. this widget helps to view the latest artifact version (build version) for each environnment.
ADO Variable Group
Create one variable group with any name and created variable group used to store the project specific latest artifact version for each environemnt
Add manually the project specific parameters in the below format and the value should be empty
Format of the Parameter Name: {{Env Name}}__{{Project Name}}
The each project variables value will be updated from deploy pipeline, for that we need to add the below power shell script task into each pipeline
Deploy Pipeline Task
The below task used to update the deployment details to the specific projectand buildVersion variable groups from deploy pipeline
install the extension to your organization. then the extension will be listed in the dashboard creation page. Once the extension is selected, it shows the configuration options as below,
Size - Select the size of the widget that is listed
Variable Group API URL - Variable Group API URL for Rest API configuration
PAT Token - Is for Rest API to fetch variable group values. The PAT token should have read permission for variable group