#New Relic Record Deployment Build/Release task# New Relic New Relic gives you deep performance analytics for every part of your software environment. You can easily view and analyze massive amounts of data, and gain actionable insights in real-time. For your apps. For your users. For your business. Note: The extension uses the V2 New Relic API. Discalimer: These extension are neither developed nor endorsed by New Relic. Release Notes
UsageThis extensions contains a set of components for publish/record a new deployment event to your new relic account New Relic. This extension installs the following :
##Steps ##Create a New Relic Endpoint:
##Open your build/release definition and add the New Relic record deployment event task.
The task can be found in the Utility category of the Add Tasks dialog.
Enter the required parameter values for the task: application- can be picked from an auto-populate a picklist with all of your New Relic applications, according to your pre-defined New Relic endpoint. revision- if no value is specified, default value is BUILD_SOURCEVERSION changelog- if no value is specified, default value is a link to the release summary (e.g http://YourTFSFQDN/tfs/DefaultCollection/TeamProject/_apps/hub/ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.hub-explorer?definitionId=18&_a=release-logs&releaseId=1618) description- if no value is specified, default value is RELEASE_RELEASEDESCRIPTION user- if no value is specified, default value isRELEASE_REQUESTEDFOR |