, This tool create class upon your database tables for use in Code First approach. For now Supporting Microsoft SQL Server & SAP Sybase IAnywhere db's. You can use the tool to help you build class's quickly based on your tables. You will have to use: Sybase 1. Sybase iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0.dll minimum version 2. Entity Framework dll version, it's the last version that sybase support. After installation complete restat Visual Studio, open a project and activate CodeFirstMyDB from Tools Menu. You will have to provide valid database connection parameters. Upon sucess on connection you will have to select tables that you want to map and press on Create button. On success class name that you defined will be added to your first project on your solution. SQL Server 1. Entity Framework dll version and above. After installation complete restat Visual Studio, open a project and activate CodeFirstMyDB from Tools Menu. You will have to provide valid database connection parameters. Upon sucess on connection you will have to select tables that you want to map and press on Create button. On success class name that you defined will be added to your first project on your solution.
To extend the tool please send email to :shlomysh@yahoo.com |