This extension enables you adding views and work with them like tables in EF4.
Without this extension, it's impossible to use views since you manually have to modify many nodes in the edmx file and each time you select "Update Model From Database" all your changes are gone.
This extension enables you adding views and work with them like tables in EF4.
Without this extension, it's impossible to use views since you manually have to modify many nodes in the edmx file and each time you select "Update Model From Database" all your changes are gone. This tool automates these actions for you. NOTE: Unfortunately it doesn't support multi-tabled views. I am still looking for a solution to it.
For instance, adding a one-to-one can then be done easily by right-clicking "Add Association" selecting the table and the view, then adding a referential constraint (via relationship properties) between relationship setting the principal to the table (note that this will not allow you adding items to the view, items will be able to be added only via the table). Please vote/reproduce the connection I posted to Microsoft so Views should be supported by EF out-the-box: