Electric Mobile Studio makes it easy to integrate Electric Plum's best-in-class iPhone, iPad and Responsive Design tools. An extremely accurate iPhone and iPad Web browser simulation, orientation, JavaScript APIs like location, localStorage, IndexedDB, Web SQL are all supported. Perfect for building and testing single page applications (SPA).
The product has been designed to tightly integrate with Visual Studio 2012 and can be launched via the "Browse With.." command in VS 2012.
To use with Visual Studio 2010 or earlier, you can launch from the command-line, using the following syntax (First change into the directory you installed Electric Mobile Studio to, which is typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electric Plum\Electric Mobile Studio 2012") ElectricMobileStudio2012.exe www.google.com 1 The second argument is 1 for iPhone and 2 for iPad.