VM Prep Tool for Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 GDRVisual Studio Lab Management 2010 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/ee712698.aspx ) enables teams to accelerate setup/tear down and restoration of complex virtual environments to a known state for test execution and build automation. You use virtual machines (VMs) or templates to create virtual environments. To enable testing, build-deploy-test workflow and network isolation capabilities on the environments, you need to install Visual Studio Test Agent, Visual Studio Lab Agent and Team Foundation Build Agent on VMs and templates that are part of the lab environments. VM Prep Tool automates the process of upgrading/installing Test, Build, and Lab Agents on a Virtual machine and configuring them. It also provides support for automating the process of creating templates with agents installed on them. The Tool has been enhanced for the GDR version of Visual Studio Lab Management 2010. What's new in VM Prep Tool GDR?VM Prep Tool GDR supports installation of patches for all lab management software on the VM. Patches can be downloaded from here: (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=8406ef19-35a3-4c03-a145-08ba982f3cef&displaylang=en)All patches to be installed should be indicated in the LabVMConfig.xml (located in the same folder as VMPrepTool.exe) under the ‘PatchesFolder’ parameter. The VM Prep Tool would pick up any patch executables found in this folder and install them on the VM. This operation is supported both in self-service, admin mode using the VM Prep Tool UI or from the command line. Other Features
Download latest Version (Compatible with latest GDR version of Visual Studio Lab Management 2010)
DocumentationPlease download the VM Prep Tool User guide from project download page to get details on how to use the tool, supported configurations and known limitations. |