Project Description Commands description: Source Branch - the originating branch is sometimes called the parent branch. You can select value from drop-down list or with button "..." (select branch dialog). After select source branch target branch drop-down list is filled with possible values and target branch value is setted with default value (last value from possible values). Target Branch - is sometimes called the child branch. You can select value from drop-down list. With button "Up" you can set source branch value by target branch value. Task Id - work item id. All merged changesets will be binded with this work item. You can select value with button "..." (select work item dialog). With button "GoTo" you can see and change work item in work item dialog. Run - find and view all possible changesets (merge candidates) for merging from source branch to target branch. Check - find merging conflicts without merge for selected changesets (you can select some changesets in grid). Merge - merge selected changesets (you can select some changesets in grid) from source to target branch. Each changeset is merged as separated changeset (if you merge 5 changesets from target branch, 5 changesets will be in source branch too). After merge target branch will check in. Herewith comment of source branch changeset copies to comment of new target branch changeset and Task Id will be linked with this new target branch changeset. If there are conflicts resolve conflict dialog will be shown. OMerge (One Merge) - merge selected changesets (you can select some changesets in grid) from source to target branch as one changeset (if you merge 5 changesets from target branch, 1 changeset will be in source branch). After merge target branch will check in. Herewith all comments of source branch changesets are joined and result copies to one comment of new target branch changeset; Task Id will be linked with this new target branch changeset. If there are conflicts resolve conflict dialog will be shown. AM (AutoMerge) - flag. During merge don't show resolve conflict dialog if automerge is possible. TS (TakeSource) - flag. If automerge is impossible do "take source" and don't show resolve conflict dialog. R (Rerun) - flag. After merge call Run command for reload merge candidates. Open - if changeset is selected in grid (first level of grid) open changeset details dialog. If work item is selected in grid (second level of grid) open work item details dialog. Track - open track changeset dialog by selected changeset in grid. Find - flag. Show or hide search row in grid. WI (Work Item) - open work item details dialog by work item id. Changeset - open changeset details dialog by changeset id. Changeset track - open track changeset dialog by changeset id. Double click on changeset description rectangle open changeset details dialog. HMerge (Hierarchy Merge) - open HMerge dialog (select branch from possible branch tree dialog) by changeset id. Changeset branch - start point. Selected branch - end point. After select end point current changeset will be merge and check in on each element of branch tree from start point to end point. Herewith comment of current changeset will be copied to each comment of new merge changesests and Task Id will be linked with these new merge changesets. If there are conflicts resolve conflict dialog will be shown. Track changeset sample (quick watch changeset track by changeset id) Hierarchy merge sample (select branch in branch tree by changeset id dialog) Important: |