Electric Cloud, Inc Enterprise Build and Release Management Automate - Accelerate - Analyze Detailed Build Analytics and Reporting: ElectricInsight ElectricInsight® is a software build visualization tool that provides job-level detail of software builds and provides unprecedented visibility into the build and release structure for simplified reporting, troubleshooting and performance tuning. ElectricInsight Features & Benefits Visualize the Build Structure for Rapid Error Detection and Performance Tuning There has traditionally been little visibility into why a build was slow, why a build broke, or what dependencies were involved. For the first time, the ElectricInsight® tool depicts how the build is structured and run, empowering build managers to pinpoint performance problems or conflicts in a parallel build. ElectricInsight mines the information produced by Electric Make to provide an easy-to-understand, graphical representation of the build structure for performance analysis. It provides detailed information and reports on each job on each node of the build cluster, helping users identify which jobs are being performed, when, and with what files for at-a-glance diagnostics. Instead of manually pouring over tens of thousands of lines of information in a build output file, error detection and performance tuning that once took hours or days can now be done in seconds. By observing and tracing sources of serialization or slow-downs, your build can be fine tuned for maximum speed. With ElectricInsight you can quickly pinpoint opportunities for improvement. Are there any unnecessary serializations? Are jobs running locally that could be run on the cluster? With this insight you can get the best possible performance out of your build environment. Related Links Electric Cloud Resources [whitepapers and specs] ElectricInsight Product Page Customers and Success Stories Electric Cloud Partners | Product Screenshots
View fine-grained, file-level detail on each build job to quickly perform diagnostics and improve build performance.
Clear reports identify job count, job time by length, longest jobs, and longest serial chains.
Model speed improvements that could be gained by adding additional hardware to the build cluster.