This task allows to extend your Azure DevOps pipeline with functionality to publish a Change Event to PagerDuty using an APIv2 integration.
It supports the full PagerDuty Common Event Format schema as well as a couple custom values that we frequently take advantage of.
In your pipeline:
# SciPlay-PagerDutyChangeEvent v0
# Send a PagerDuty Change Event.
- task: SciPlay-PagerDutyChangeEvent@0
routingKey: # Required. String. The Integration Key to the target API V2 integration.
payloadSummary: # Required. String. A high-level, text summary message of the event. Will be used to construct an alert's summary.
#payloadSource: # Optional. String. Specific human-readable unique identifier, such as a hostname, for the system having the problem.
#payloadSeverity: # Optional. Radio { Info, Warning, Error, Critical}. Indicates the severity of the impact to the affected system.
#payloadTimestamp: # Optional. String. When the upstream system detected / created the event. This is useful if a system batches or holds events before sending them to PagerDuty. E.g. 2015-07-17T08:42:58.315+0000.
#payloadClass: # Optional. String. The class/type of the event. E.g. 'High CPU', 'latency', '5xx'.
#payloadComponent: # Optional. String. The part or component of the affected system that is broken. E.g. 'mysql', 'keepalive', 'loadbalancer'.
#payloadGroup: #Optional. String. A cluster or grouping of sources. For example, sources 'prod-datapipe-02' and 'prod-datapipe-03' might both be part of 'prod-datapipe'.
linksHref: # Required. String. Link to include on the Event. E.g. '$(System.CollectionUri)/$(System.TeamProject)/_build?definitionId=$(System.DefinitionId)'
linksText: # Required. String. Friendly name of linksHref. E.g. 'Build Pipeline'
# Advanced
#jobState: # Optional. String. The state of the job/pipeline. E.g. '$(Agent.JobStatus)'
#jobId: # Optional. String. The unique identifier of the job/pipeline. E.g. '$(Build.BuildId)'