Make sure you have nuget.config in your root repo directory (above the src folder).
When creating your new plugin project pleast select the path to your repository.
When naming your new plugin project just name it your PluginName (no addition SE.Geospatial, etc). The template will take care of verifying folder structure and .csproj and .sln naming.
Plugin Project Code Changes
Make sure to replace logic in ShouldPluginBeVisible method
Update icon in Icons.xaml
Check plugin name in Resources.resx
Add a plugin .png icon
a. Upload the plugin .png to Azure Blob storage --
b. Update PackageIconUrl in the nuget definition (in the csproj) to the location of the png
Go to Project Properties - Debug and set the path to your instance of Solution Center. Debug and your plugin should load. Make sure that your user/tenant is authorized for your plugin.