AST scan task for detecting active vulnerabilities
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In the cloud-native world, API security is an important concern as most microservices are exposed externally to users and to other internal services via APIs. Traceable AST complements the API Catalog in using the DNA to build intelligently targeted scans for detecting vulnerabilities at the API layer. It also helps close the loop of exploits found in production by running security scans in pre-prod environments. It helps in finding vulnerabilities in the early stages of SDLC, giving developers and Product security engineers more time and context to prioritize mitigation of vulnerabilities and build secure APIs.
Traceable’s Azure Devops extension can be used to continuously test your software builds for active vulnerabilities and get comprehensive reports which will help in deciding if a build should pass or not based on new or existing vulnerabilities exposed by the new code. It runs AST scans on triggers and maps scan results which include a list of vulnerabilities with severities based on CVSS and CWE scores to help categorize issues correctly and get a comprehensive understanding of risks added by new code added in the relevant builds.
What does Traceable xAST Azure Devops extension provide?
Extensive security testing coverage for microservices and APIs.
Generate tests from live functional traffic for targeted security testing based on actual payloads
Insertion into DevSecOps with Scan initiation and Vulnerability Management from scan findings.
Inserts security seamlessly into existing functional tests in the same pipeline with full automation.
Risk-based prioritization using asset inventory, threat intel, and predictive modeling.
Make a decision around passing or failing the build based on security issues introduced in it.
Getting started with Traceable AST extension
Understanding the inputs
Scan action: init/ run/ init and run/ stop
Name of the scan.
Access token from platform.
Scan suite using which you want to run the scan.
Advanced Options
Environment from where AST should observe traffic.
List of plugins you want to run the AST scan for.
Include URL patterns to test.
Exclude URL patterns from scan.
Specify a postman collection to run the scan.
Specify postman environment file to run the postman collection.
Provide comma separated files of open api spec documents.
Target URL for the tests.
URL for traceable server, not applicable for SaaS customers.
Scan timeout (minutes) for a scan when it goes in IDLE state.
Scan timeout (minutes) in general.
Max retries for the scan after failure.
Version of CLI you want to use for AST. Default one is latest stable release.