Control TortoiseGit from within Visual Studio
Getting started
- Install the TGit extension
- Install TortoiseGit
- Install MSysGit
TGit has several options:
Default commit message:
You can change this to regular text or the following macros:
Close dialog after operation:
You can change what happens to the TortoiseGit dialogs after their operations:
0: Close manually
1: Auto-close if no further options are available
2: Auto-close if no errors
Finish Feature tweaks:
You can change what happens when using the finish feature command:
- Delete local branch (True/False)
- Delete remote branch (True/False)
- Push changes (True/False)
- Pull changes (True/False)
- Use annotated tags (True/False)
Keyboard shortcuts
(G)it (C)ommit - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, C
(G)it (F)etch - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, F
(G)it (L)og - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, L
(G)it (M)erge - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, M
(G)it (P)ull - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, P
(G)it P(u)sh - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, U
(G)it (R)evert - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, R
(G)it Stas(h)-Apply - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, H
(G)it Stash-Cre(a)te - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, A
(G)it (S)witch - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, S
(G)it S(y)nc - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S, Y
(G)it Clea(n)up - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, N
(G)it R(e)solve - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, E
(G)it Sho(w) Changes - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, W
(G)it File (B)lame - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, B
(G)it File (D)iff - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, D
(G)it Rebase - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, G
So what exactly are those GitFlow menu items doing?
Start New Feature
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Create and switch to a new branch
Finish Feature
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Merge the feature branch to develop
- Delete the local feature branch
- Delete the remote feature branch
- Push all changes to develop
Start New Release
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Create and switch to a new release branch
Finish Release
- Switch to the master branch
- Pull latest changes on master
- Merge the release branch to master
- Tag the release
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Merge the release branch to develop
- Delete the local release branch
- Delete the remote release branch
- Push all changes to develop
- Push all changes to master
- Push the tag
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