My previous article (Windows Form Design at Run Time)explained how to design a form at runtime. I have extended the program to the next advanced version with more functionality. This is one of my favorite articles that I have written. I hope you all like this. Now let's see what's new in myEasy Form Design @ Run Time. Limitations of my previous article In my previous article it had the limitation that the user must design and add code for the events like binding the grid and so on.The user can load only one form at a time. Adding a parameter to a SQL query is not possible. New features in Easy Form Design at Run Time This has all my previous article features but with more functionality like:
The Easy Form Design at Run Time software application was developed to design your own form using a panel control to add Labels, Buttons, TextBoxes, DataGridViews and so on. The user can select the Stored Procedure to be used for the form for example. Now the user can design there and simply search a form with a TextBox, Button and a DataGridView. For this the user must pass the TextBox as a search parameter to the Stored Procedure and the result must be finally bound to a DataGridView by clicking on the Button. In the form design screen the user can add a TextBox, Label, Button and DataGridView and from the Tools the user can click on the SQL Setting Tool Menu. The user can select his Search Stored Procedure and assign the controls to the parameter matching and finally save the form. |