Surviveplus Code Snippets for Visual Studio 2017, 2019
Some code snippets for Visual Studio It is used by developers team.
For Visual Studio 2017, 2019 (Japanese) is here.
For Visual Studio 2015 (English) is here.
For Visual Studio 2015 (Japanese) is here.
List of code snippets (Visual Basic, C#)
- Class [classSurviveplus]
- Exception [exceptionSurviveplus]
- NativeMethods [native]
Code Block
- Call Dispose only when a variable is not null reference. [ disposeIfNotNull ] (C# only)
- Initialize new instance when a variable is null reference, and return it. [ returnIfNullNew ] (C# only)
- RaiseEvent (Extension method, C# only)
Implements Interface
- Implement IDisposable [dispose]
LINQ and Collections
- DirectoryInfo Recursion (Extension method, C# only)
- IEnumerable ForEach (Extension method, C# only)
- Singleton (Extension method, C# only)
- ToEnumerable (Extension method, C# only)
- LINQ [linq] (C# only)
- Recursion Lambda (C# only)
- Constructor [ctorSurviveplus]
- Extension methods [extensions]
- Extension methods (with Namespace) [extensionsWithNameSpace]
- ToString Override [tostring]
- Property (with Backing Field) [propfullSurviveplus]
- ReadOnly Property (with Backing Field) [propgfullSurviveplus]
Verify Args
- Throw Exception when argument is the empty string or a null reference [nullempex]
- Throw Exception when argument is a null reference [nullex]
- Throw Exception when argument is white-space, the empty string or a null reference [nullwex]
- Throw Exception when argument is not defined as the enumeration [notenumex]
- Throw Exception when argument is not useful enumeration [outenumex]
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