*** I added a walkthrough for this extension on my blog here: http://roman.tumaykin.com/tools/2016/01/17/Simple-Data-Access-Layer-User-Manual.html Description:This is a simple data access layer generator I built for my own project, but thought it might be useful for others as well.
This code generates enums from the database tables and classes to call stored procedures. No direct table access methods are generated. It all works the following way. During the configuration, you choose a generated code namespace. All objects will use this namespace as root. Enums will all be in the <root code namespace>.Enums namespace, stored procedure interfaces will be generated in the <root code namespace>.Executables namespace. Then the object name (including schema) will follow. For example if an enum is generated from the table [dbo].[states], and the root code namespace is DataAccessLayer then the enum full name will be DataAccessLayer.Enums.dbo.states. Stored procedures interface is generated, with the same naming schema as enums, as a class with 2 static methods - Execute and ExecuteAsync. The retiurn value is that class itself filled with parameter values, recordsets, and return parameter. The Data Access Layer supports transactions - there is a class ExecutionScope in the root code namespace which starts the sql transaction when instantiated and rolls back the transaction when disposed (if the transaction has not been explicitly committed). Also the transaction can be explicitly rolled back. There are several limitations:
Usage:In the project - select "Add new item", choose "Visual C# items->Data->Simple Data Access Layer", choose a name and click OK. The UI will be displayed (empty at first). Click on "Edit Model" and follow the prompts. Once you click "Finish", save the item (file) and classes will be generated. I will provide more documentation as time permits.
** update: fixed table variable code resulting in multiple definitions
** update #2 (1/17/2016):
** update #3 -- new in version 1.0.1 - Digitally signed VSIX package ** update #4 - FIxed a template trust issue |