H2Viewer byThe Helpware Group H2Viewer is an MS Help 2.x collection viewer similar to DExplore (DExplore is the MS viewer used by VS 2002\2003\2005\2008, MSDN, TechNet etc). H2Viewer has the same MS Help 2 API backend as DExplore. H2Viewer has been extracted from our product FAR HTML because of numerous requests for a standalone viewer. H2Viewer has numerous command-line parameters and a COM interface. The command-line options include a single instance feature. Visit the H2Viewer Home page
Screen ShotsOpen any MS Help 2 collection. Opening a .HxS will automatically register. Also boasts rich command line options and COM interface. Traditional help viewer layout.
Help Authors best friend: View any MS Help 2 Index in the current collection.
Traditional Search navigation (How I wish VS 2005\2008 still had traditional search)
Another authors friend.. Define and test help 2 filters.
Built-in Text-To-Speech reader. |