H2Reg byThe Helpware Group H2Reg.exe is a utility, that allows you to register MS Help 2.x Collections: Namespaces, Titles, Plug-ins, and Filters without using MSI (Microsoft Installer). Unlike the MS MSI solution, registration using H2Reg is very straightforward. Ship H2Reg.exe and H2Reg.ini (command script) with your .HxS help files. See H2Reg Home page for more info. At the moment we have most of the major companies across the globe using h2reg. Which tells you a lot about how dependable and well liked this little utility is. We are not suppose to mention names, so try searching your program files for "h2reg.exe". I'd be surprised if it's not already on your developer machine (installed by a VS component product). Translated into the following languages
Screen ShotsAt install time H2Reg displays a small status panel above your main installer window (or whatever application called H2Reg.exe -r). This examples shows H2Reg download being installed.
How do I make the script? Script is very simple to create by hand -- See example. Or use FAR HTML to export an existing collection to a H2Reg.ini script file.
Notice you can target several versions of VS at a time. Not something the MSI registration tools can easily do. |