OverviewWith the ReflectInsight logging extentions, we make it easier to integrate your existing application logging infrastructure with the ReflectInsight Viewer (shown below). You'll never need to look at your log files in a text editor again and you'll have the full power of our viewer for searching, filtering and navigating your log files. In order to use these extensions you must have the ReflectInsight Viewer installed. Download and install the ReflectInsight Viewer from this location: http://www.reflectsoftware.com/Public/Download.aspx Preserve your Existing Logging InvestmentReflectSoftware understands that many companies have already invested heavily in development efforts with their existing logging framework. In order to take advantage with just some of the powerful features in ReflectInsight without code change, Reflectsoftware has developed an open-source set of Library Extensions in support of:
What is ReflectInsight?ReflectInsight goes beyond where no text-based logging has gone before.