DotNetAge is a web content mangement system (CMS) and RAD platform that focus on aesthetics ,ease-of-use and Web Standards.She offers an intuitive interface allows non-technical users to easily create new sites or extend the functionality and features of their existing web site when used as a web CMS.
Technical Architecture
Presentation Layer
ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor
jQuery Core
jQuery UI
jQuery Template
DJME - UI component library for MVC3
Business Logic Layer
Repository Pattern
Unity of work
Data Access Layer
ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1 code first
Microsoft Unity (IoC Container)
Persistent Layer
SQLCE 4 (SQL Server Express or SQL Server)
TDD ( Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework )
Moq (Mocking Library) - for testing controllers
ASP.NET Health monitoring
Sitemap 1.0
opml2.0 / rss2.0 / atom
OpenSearchDescription 1.1
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