StyleCop Checkin Policy for Visual Studio 2012.
This way, the StyleCop warnings don't have to be set as error during build and you only have to fix them when you want to checkin your code.
Optional note: Set the "/p:StyleCopTreatErrorsAsWarnings=false" (without quotes) parame...
Search for StyleCop Checkin Policy in the gallery. The extension is available for:
Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2017
Global StyleCop settings for whole Team Project
Import your current StyleCop settings (if you already use StyleCop) into the check-in policy
Export the StyleCop settings of the check-in policy
Override the settings for specific projects with the power of merged StyleCop settings files
Thread the Check-in violations as errors, warnings or information messages in Visual Studio
Exclude folders to be checked
Optional note
Set the "/p:StyleCopTreatErrorsAsWarnings=false" (without quotes) parameter in your build definition to throw an error when there is a StyleCop warning. This works if you have the NuGet StyleCop.MSBuild package installed. This way your build will fail so no corrupt code is checked-in. This check-in policy prevents users from checking-in bad code but it is a check-in policy so it could be overridden. You can set this parameter in your build definition on the "Process" tab, under the "Advanced" category and then the "MSBuild Arguments" property.