Looking for newer versions?
Are you working with a version control like git? You surely committed/pushed or stashed more than once in your lifetime without previously saving everything in Visual Studio. Are you using "Panic Save"* since then?
At least this happened to me and my team a couple of times. This extension saves all changes when you leave your current Visual Studio instance, e.g. when you switch to GitExtensions window for committing, stashing and pushing.
The current version is an early alpha.
* Panic Save is the behavior when the user presses Ctrl+Shift+S repeatedly in a short amount of time, before switching to the GitExtensions (or any other) window
Known Issues: - When closing the solution and clicking "Cancel" in the upcoming dialog, NoMorePanicSave currently will not save any changes anymore. I'm trying to find a way to fix this but I'm lacking ideas. |