RoslyJump is a free and open source extension for Visual Studio 2019 for mouseless code navigation. For now, it only has limited support of C# 8.0.
Important: It only works in C# Editor (no F#, C++, VB support yet).
Build Status:
All code in this project is covered under the Apache 2 license. You can find a copy of it inside the same folder inside License.txt.
Default Hotkeys
Alt+N - jump next
Alt+P - jump previous
Alt+U - jump up
Alt+D - jump down
Alt+K - jump next sibling
Alt+J - jump previous sibling
Where can I find usage examples?
Usage examples can be found here.
How to remember all specific jump cases in RoslyJump?
You don't have to remember them all. There are only two jump verticals - up/down and left/right. The up/down vertical has a single corresponding hotkey for each action:
1. Jump Up/Down along a Syntax Tree
The left\right vertical has two corresponding hotkeys per each direction:
1. Jump to next/previous node of the same type
2. Jump to next/previous sibling node of a different type
When you are not sure which hotkey will work in a particular context, try every hotkey in the following order:
1. Jump Next/Previous
2. Jump Next/Previous Sibling
3. Jump Up/Down
For example, when the cursor is set inside a method body, and you'd like to jump to another method press:
1. `jump-context-up` hotkey until the entire method is highlighted
2. `jump-next` hotkey to switch to another method
Notice: jump-to-next-sibling
hotkey, while the cursor is set on a method declaration will switch to the first field, property, event, etc in the same class
Jump To Next/Previous Hotkeys
Jumps to a context node that have the same parent and the same type. For example, a property and a field are both children of a class but they have a different syntax kind (one is PropertyDeclarationSyntax and another one is FieldDeclarationSyntax). That is why when a class has only fields and properties, and the cursor is set on a field, jump-next hotkey will only cycle between fields.
Jump To Next/Previous Sibling Hotkeys
Jumps to a context node that has the same parent but a different type. For example, a property and a field are both children of a class but they have a different syntax kind (one is PropertyDeclarationSyntax and another one is FieldDeclarationSyntax). That is why when a class has only fields and properties, jump-to-next-sibling hotkey will cycle between the first field and the first property in the same class.
Jump To Up/Down Hotkeys
Jumps to a parent/child context node. For example, if the cursor is set on a method name (part of the MethodDeclarationSyntax), then jump up will jump to a containing class because it is the parent of the method. In contrast, jumping down will set a cursor on the first child node (parameter list) of the method. To jump to a method body from a method declaration you have to jump to a parameter list and then use "jump-to-next-sibling" hotkey to jump to a method body block, and then use "jump-down" hotkey one more time to navigate to the first statement in the method body.
Can I set the default hotkeys to a different one?
Yes. Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard
. In the "Show commands containing" type "RoslyJump" you'll see all commands supported by the extension and be able to configure them..
Alternative hotkey configuration ideas
If you are not using Reattach to process
hotkey, then this may be the most convenient (only four main keys two remember):
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNext" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+N</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrev" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+P</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpUp" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+U</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpDown" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+D</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNextSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+N</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrevSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+P</Shortcut>
<RemoveShortcut Command="Debug.ReattachtoProcess" Scope="Global">Shift+Alt+P</RemoveShortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNext" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+L</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrev" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+H</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpUp" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+K</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpDown" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+J</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNextSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+L</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrevSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+H</Shortcut>
<RemoveShortcut Command="Edit.JoinLines" Scope="Text Editor">Shift+Alt+L, Shift+Alt+J</RemoveShortcut>
<RemoveShortcut Command="Edit.SortLines" Scope="Text Editor">Shift+Alt+L, Shift+Alt+S</RemoveShortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNext" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+D</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrev" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+A</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpUp" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+W</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpDown" Scope="C# Editor">Alt+S</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpNextSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+D</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="RoslyJump.ContextJumpPrevSibling" Scope="C# Editor">Shift+Alt+A</Shortcut>
<Shortcut Command="Project.AddExistingItem" Scope="Solution Explorer">Shift+Alt+A</Shortcut>
<RemoveShortcut Command="Project.AddExistingItem" Scope="Global">Shift+Alt+A</RemoveShortcut>