Overview Q & A Rating & Review
Review the code directly in VS 2022.
You can a review with differents types (Must correct, should correct, comment)
You can choose whom belongs the review
You can edit a review, change its status or close it
A notification is send by email when a review is created or updated
The list of project reviews is visible in the view / view code reviews panel
Backend setup
This application needs you to install backend accessible here and configure it via appsettings :
Authentication:AuthenticationTokenSecretSigningKey : a random string to secure yours tokens
ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection : a valid Sql Database connection string where data will be stored
Data:Emails:SmtpHost : STMP server
Data:Emails:SmtpPort : SMTP port
Data:Emails:SmtpUser : SMTP user
Data:Emails:SmtpPassword : SMTP user password
Data:Network:BaseUrl : the backend url. Must ends with a /
Log to backend as admin (default login/password are admin@ozcodereview.fr / ozCodeReview@* ) and create users
VS Setup
Please go to tools / options / ozcodereview and fill the serverurl, your login /password (defined in previous step)