The Nokia Continuous Delivery (NCD)NCD is a modular CI/CD solution for Nokia applications, delivering software in a secure, automated fashion while providing end-to-end automation for deployment, acceptance testing, and promotion of those applications in a customer network. NCD is designed around industry standards and provides the closed loop automation to manage the complexity of CI/CD for cloud-native network services NCD is a Nokia product and it can accessed via the link:: The NCD ExtraTests ExtensionThe NCD ExtraTests extension is used to launch test execution in a manually/externally registered Test Harness and display a summary report. This extension is currently used in NCD Deploy, NCD Test-only and NCD Complete-test pipelines. The ExtraTests extension takes the "Test Workspace Id" as an input parameter:
The ExtraTests task has the below "optional" input parameter:
LicenseThis project is licensed under Nokia Continuous Delivery - see the LICENSE If you find this extension useful, please write a review and star it. |