The Nokia Continuous Delivery (NCD)NCD is a modular CI/CD solution for Nokia applications, delivering software in a secure, automated fashion while providing end-to-end automation for deployment, acceptance testing, and promotion of those applications in a customer network. NCD is designed around industry standards and provides the closed loop automation to manage the complexity of CI/CD for cloud-native network services NCD is a Nokia product and it can accessed via the link:: The NCD Deploy PipelineThe NCD deploy pipeline aims to track activities that happen from the time the software is released to the time when it can be deployed to the field. The pipeline primarily consists of three components: RepoCheck, Deploy and Test. The Deploy ExtensionThe Deploy extension triggers the onboarding, deployment or upgrade of the software and creates a test workspace. It queries the deployer for the presence of a Network Service (NS) instance, based on which, it executes the deploy or the upgrade workflows for that Network Service. The Deploy task has the below "mandatory" input parameters:
The Deploy task has the below "optional" input parameters:
LicenseThis project is licensed under Nokia Continuous Delivery - see the LICENSE If you find this extension useful, please write a review and star it. |