Set of tools which will improve your productivity when working with database to completely new levels. Allow to easily browse and update data directly from visual studio. It is also integrated with data generator.
Set of tools which will improve your productivity when working with database to completely new levels. Allow to easily browse and update data directly from visual studio. It is also integrated with data generator.
More information with examples on
There is almost nothing to configure only connection string, for more advanced scenarios with entity framework mappings please check out our Getting Started page.
Below you can find only few of over 80 available features!
Most of them are FREE, however there is also premium version with even more amazing features. So if those tools are helpful for you then please go premium and support us, so we will be able to develop new features faster.
##Query/Update/Sort/Filter/Group data directly from Visual Studio
##Database search & insight
##Enums support & inline update
##Use cases
How often do you perform 'SELECT *' or 'COUNT()' on a table? Now it is much faster then ever, both queries are executed in the same time all you need to do is enter table name, you also don't need to switch to sql server management studio, it is possible directly from Visual Studio.
Are you tired of writting long queries with multiple joins? You can click on foreign key icon and join will be performed for you, it can not be easier!
Your entity framework class is mapped to different table name? Nothing easier you can search by class or table name.
Your database is missing foreign keys? Just run missing key analyzer and create them.
Do you want to know something more about your database? You can easily check which table is the biggest, has the most columns, indexes, foreign keys etc. All of this gives you amazing insight into your database structure
If you are debugging and you need to check data stored for variable? You don't need to copy Id value to SSMS, you can get select statement with where condition on primary key column with one click.
Your tables contain columns like 'StatusId' which are mapped to enums in entity framework? Thanks to our entity framework class mappers you will see also enum value in your results, no more wondering what this number means.
If You need to test performance of your app or databse? Just download Data Generator and create millions of records in minutes!
If in code there is a magic number from table like 'Statuses' and you are not sure what it means? Just type ctrl+D+S on this type and you will get all values from this table without leaving visual studio.
You can check definition of database view or stored proccedure directly from code! Without switching to SSMS
##What's your role?
Senior back-end developer or junior tester - It doesn't matter, it makes data querying always much easier and faster.
Team Lead or Project Manager - Help your team be more productive by providing them with those tools.
Developer - You don't have to switch to SSMS for every query. It is most of the time much faster to do this directly from Visual Studio.
Tester - You don't need to know SQL commands for inserting data or performing queries, you can easily create lots of data with Data Generator to start performance testing or use our tools to easily query databse.
New in project - Using missing indexes information you can shine :) in your new job.
Are you responsible for systems integrations and you don't know your client database schema? Use Database Insights to get better picture of new database.
If you don't feel comfortable when working with SQL? Because:
You have just started your journey with programming
You prefer front-end development
You have worked with different database
Then those tools are for you because you don't need to remember full syntax of SQL:
If you want to sort results by column - Just click on header
If you want to group data - Just click on header when pressing 'Alt' key
If you want to filter data - Just type what you need, you don't need to remember about keywords such as 'LIKE' or 'IS NOT NULL' etc.
##Change Log
Version - 02.04.2019
Added support for VS 2019
Version - 31.03.2019
Suggested tables(tables which might be related with other table, but fk is missing)
Related tables search
Query generation improvements
Version - 03.01.2019
Added preview support for EF CORE!
Added database size info
Added connection string support from appsettings.json
Version - 01.11.2018
Added 'Generate properties' feature
Version - 12.10.2018
'Inline update' feature moved from Premium users to Registered Users
'FK icon join' feature moved from Premium users to Registered Users
Progress and error info for 'Refresh counts'
Added 'Foreign Key preview' feature
Performance improvements
Version - 05.08.2018
Added handling for 'Unmodeled' visual studio projects
Added navigation to database view from other views like: select, definition, delete
Added 'AutoExecute' on 'Clear Filters' button click
Version - 31.07.2018
Column size on database info view is fixed now
Added tooltips for environment buttons
(BUG) Fixed culture related issue with range filtering on number columns
Version - 30.07.2018
Better exception handling for AggregateException
Version - 29.07.2018
Added colors for keywords in definitions of database view and stored procedure(registered user)
Added Table & Index estimated size and read/write useage
Added warning for manually edited queries
Telemetry - more info on error like: Operating system, App version...
(BUG)Fixed always disabled 'Use Count' option on configuration window
(BUG)Fixed crash of VS on 'Delete' action(rare cases)
(BUG)Fixed issue with visible temp tables in database info view