B"H I am looking to sell this product to a company who can the open source it and/or hire me to upgrade it and document it. the most immediate upgrades needed are support for ASP Core 1.0/EF Core 1.0, ability to specify folder structure/language (TypeScript, ES6, etc.), and support for Angular 2.0 If you are interested. Please contact me. Create a complete SPA in Angular JS from your Entity Framework Model.Just create an Entity Framework Model however you are most comfortable. Then use this scaffolder to create the Web Api Controllers, AngularJS Controllers, AngularJS Views, and everything else that you need to have a fully functioning SPA on the spot. Not just a Template or a Starter Project.This extension will actually generate the code for your application. It will look at your Models and create a complete Line Of Business Application based on the models you supplied. Just Try It.You'll never believe how easy it is to create a Single Page Application There is one thing you will need to add manually...Until I get this worked out. You need to add one bundle to RegisterBundles.cs bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/angular-app").Include("~/Scripts/app/*.js")); If you use this extension and want to see it grow and improve, please sponsor a few minutes or hours of work for it. Thank you. |