The Manage Variable Group Task Extension for Azure DevOps enables your pipelines to interact with Variable Groups.
#Version 0.0.24 Breaking changes
All variable values, from version 0.0.24, must be included in double quotes like specified in Slick Syntax.
This allows users to set variable values including spaces.
Here are all the inputs that you will find on the task and a brief explaination:
- task: MorenoBruschi.manage-variable-group-task.custom-build-release-task.ManageVariableGroupTask@0
displayName: 'Azure DevOps Variable Group Management'
pat: '***'
project: '407b1edc-288e-4361-a308-88ca26b363ce'
vgname: SomeVariableGroup
orgname: orgName
op: Update
varops: |
+ var1 => "value1"
+ var2 => "value2"
= var3 => "value three"
- PAT: Personal Access Token generated from the DevOps web portal. This token has to be generated from the Azure DevOps organization/server you want to edit variable groups on.
- Project: The ID of the project you want to be referenced by the Variable Group. The assistant will show a PickList with current Organization projects.
- VGName: The name of the Variable Group you want to manage.
- OrgName: The name of the Azure DevOps Organization in which the project is hosted.
- VarOps: A set of variable operations to execute on the Variable Group.
- Op: The type of operation you want to perform over the Variable Group (Create, Update or Delete).
#Variable Operations Syntax
The syntax supported in the VarOps input is similar to the Slick syntax, but with less features.
You can create three types of variable operations: Create Variable, Update Variable or Delete Variable.
The general form is:
op variableName => "variableValue"
To Create a Variable you can type:
+ variableName => "variableValue"
To Update a Variable you can type:
= variableName => "variableValue"
To Delete a Variable you can type:
- variableName
- Support for "IsReadOnly" & "IsSecret" variable parameters
- Evaluate alternatives for Azure DevOps Authentication
- Create/Update automatic evaluations