This extension will help you test your Updategram directly from visual studio and no need to test it from BizTalk SQL adapter Please feel free to send any questions, the idea behind the extension is very simple ; which take the active document file location and pass it to the SqlXmlCommand object For more information about SQLXML check this Link
How to use it?the user can open a valid updategram xml then select Run As Updategram from SqlXml Updategram Runner from Tools menu Sample Updategram Filethe below file will update the Orders and Order Details from Northwind database note that the file should have XML Edit|Remove xml<ns0:req xmlns:ns0="http://Northwind/Orders" xmlns:updg="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-updategram"> <updg:sync> <updg:after> <ns0:Orders updg:at-identity="io" CustomerID ="VINET" EmployeeID ="5" OrderDate ="2002-09-24" RequiredDate ="2002-09-24" ShippedDate ="2002-09-24" ShipVia ="3" Freight ="32.38" ShipName ="Test Ship" ShipAddress =" Ship Address" ShipCity ="Aqaba" ShipPostalCode ="51100" ShipCountry ="Jordan" /> <ns0:_x005b_Order_x0020_Details_x005d_ OrderID="io" ProductID="11" UnitPrice="15" Quantity="12" Discount="0"/> <ns0:_x005b_Order_x0020_Details_x005d_ OrderID="io" ProductID="42" UnitPrice="114" Quantity="10" Discount="0"/> </updg:after> </updg:sync></ns0:req> <ns0:req xmlns:ns0="http://Northwind/Orders" xmlns:updg="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-updategram"> <updg:sync> <updg:after> <ns0:Orders updg:at-identity="io" CustomerID ="VINET" EmployeeID ="5" OrderDate ="2002-09-24" RequiredDate ="2002-09-24" ShippedDate ="2002-09-24" ShipVia ="3" Freight ="32.38" ShipName ="Test Ship" ShipAddress =" Ship Address" ShipCity ="Aqaba" ShipPostalCode ="51100" ShipCountry ="Jordan" /> <ns0:_x005b_Order_x0020_Details_x005d_ OrderID="io" ProductID="11" UnitPrice="15" Quantity="12" Discount="0"/> <ns0:_x005b_Order_x0020_Details_x005d_ OrderID="io" ProductID="42" UnitPrice="114" Quantity="10" Discount="0"/> </updg:after> </updg:sync> </ns0:req> Comments or bug reports to @barqawi_JO on twitter. |