This extention allows you to use VB.NET to create ASP.NET Core 6.0 apps. It installs the following items:
1. Vazor MVC project template.
2. Vazor Pages project template.
3. Vazor View item template.
4. Vazor Page item template.
5. A completion provider to support HTML5 auto co...
Vazor stands for VB.NET Razor. It allows you to write ASP.NET Core apps (both MVC Views and Razor Pages) with VB.NET, including designing the view/Page using XML literals to create dynamic HTML5 content. Ex:
Partial Public Class IndexView
Public overrides Function GetVbXml(view As IndexView) As XElement
Return _
<h3> Browse Students</h3>
<p>Select from <%= view.Students.Count() %> students:</p>
<%= (Iterator Function()
For Each std In view.Students
Yield <li><%= std.Name %></li>
End Function)() %>
<p>Students details:</p>
<li ForEach="m">
Id: <m.Id/><br/>
Name: <m.Name/><br/>
<p>Grade: <m.Grade/></p>
var x = 5;
document.writeln("students count = <%= view.Students.Count() %>");
End Function
End Class
This VS extension installs the project and item templates to allow you to easily use Vazor. It also installs a completion provider to auto complete HTML tags and attrs inside XML literals in VB code. It is enabled when the xml root is or .
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