The WPF Dual Slider is a member of the Mindscape WPF Elements control suite. WPF Elements provides a dual slider which provides the ability for users to select a range across a scale which is completely configurable.
Key features include:
- Set the minimum and maximum of the slider track.
- Choose to allow the 2 slider thumb to pass through each other or not.
- Specify minimum and maximum range constraints.
- Optionally allow the slider thumbs to instantly snap to the mouse position if the user clicks on the slider track.
- Both horizontal and vertical orientations are supported.
- Programmatically set the positions of the slider thumbs.
- Tick marks can optionally be displayed on the top, bottom or both edges of the control.
- Specify the spacing between the tick marks.
- Slider thumbs can snap to the tick marks if desired.
- Five included themes - Office Blue, Office Black, Office Silver, Alloy and Alloy Light.
WPF Elements
Also included in WPF Elements is a WPF Data Grid, Charting controls, Scheduler, Time Explorer, WPF Property Grid,Coverflow control, Multicolumn TreeView, Progress Bar, Slider controls, Masked textbox, RichText Toolbar, Currency Textbox, Integer Textbox, Numeric Textbox, Auto-complete Textbox, Prompt decorator, DateTime controls, Outlookbar control, Color Picker control, Proptional stack panel control, Spin controls and many more!
Read more about WPF Elements suite from Mindscape