The Silverlight Dual Slider is a member of the Mindscape Silverlight Elements control suite. Silverlight Elements includes sliders that make it easy for your end users to select numeric values visually. Beyond the basic slider control, Silverlight Elements also includes a dual slider which provides the ability for users to select a range across a scale which is completely configurable.
Key features include:
Set the minimum and maximum of the slider track.
Choose to allow the 2 slider thumb to pass through each other or not.
Specify minimum and maximum range constraints.
Optionally allow the slider thumbs to instantly snap to the mouse position if the user clicks on the slider track.
Both horizontal and vertical orientations are supported.
Programmatically set the positions of the slider thumbs.
Tick marks can optionally be displayed on the top, bottom or both edges of the control.
Specify the spacing between the tick marks.
Slider thumbs can snap to the tick marks if desired.
Includes 5 standard themes to get you started: Office Blue, Office Silver, Office Black, Alloy (Expression) & Alloy Light.