Version 0.6.0 in addition to what was implemented in 0.5.0 includes several new features. First of all it is based off the0.9.4 release of Boo. It also:
Supports both .NET40 and .NET20 and up as build targets. Switching is done by changing project properties
Provides as-you-type diagnostics by exposing compiler messages in hover over tips as well as in the Error List. The errors/warning spots are also highlighted in the editor
Shows variable type infoprmation in hover over tips.
Implements the "Go To Defintion" functionality (F12)
Provides code completion for variables. Code completion is still very incomplete
Version 0.5.0 is an alpha version with many gaps yet to fill. Here is a list of what you can do:
Create new/Open existing projects with Boo as programing language. Included are 2 project templates - Class Library and Console Program
Add new files to Boo projects. Included are templates for boo code file and a text file
Edit Boo code with standard VS Code Editor
Compile/Run/Debug solutions with a mix of Boo and non-Boo projects, including breaking execution, examining the variables, etc.
Here is what is missing and has to be added:
No intellisense support of any kind (code completion, quickinfo, etc)
Syntax colorization is incomplete and sometimes inaccurate
No breakpoint validation
ShowAll button in Solution Explorer does nothing
No support for Auto window
Matching braces is not supported
In other words you can do development, but productivity tools are not there yet. I plan to keep going on missing items, but even as is it does serve my immediate need and I hope it can be useful to other people as well.
The source code for the extension can be accessed here