The Code Metrics Viewer 2015 extension integrates the Code Metrics Power Tool for Visual Studio 2015 (provided by Microsoft) into Visual Studio 2015. In order to use this extension, the Code Metrics Power Tool 11.0 application needs to be downloaded and installed. The download can be found at: I have created a project blog, where you can get all information about the extension: I am working on this extension in my leisure time - and I am sharing it with you for free. You, as a developer know at best that software is never perfect - and in some cases it might not work as expected. So, if you have any problems, please don´t hesitate to open a thread in the Q & A section or send me an email (you will find my email at the blog); I will try to do my best and I will respond as soon as possible. There is only one thing I am asking for... If you like the tool, please rate it! What is Code Metrics Viewer and what is it for? Well, the Code Metrics Power Tool calculates the maintainablity index, cyclomatic complexity, class coupling, depth of inheritance and lines of code for types and members of a specific assembly. Code metrics are more or less concerned about to measure evolvability of a software system, which is an indicator of the inner quality of software. Visual Studio 2015 supports calculation of code metrics, but this extension will give you some nice little extra. For instance, filtering is intuitive and makes it easy to unveil hotspots; indicator icons on any metric result pinpoint to code issues, which do not affect the maintainability index, but might also have an impact on code quality. The extension allows you to compare the current report to previously calculated results and shows trend icons indicating, if things are changing to the worse. How to get it working? The extension comes up with it´s own options page, where you can specifiy the installation path of the Code Metrics Power Tool. The latest version of the Power Tool is shipped as a self-extracting installer package; once you´ve installed the application, you can locate the installation path in the options page... Where can I find the Code Metrics Viewer in Visual Studio? The Code Metrics Viewer window is accesible via the "Other Windows" menu. You´ll also find the "Code Metrics Viewer" command in the context menu of the solution root in the Solution Explorer. How can I calculate code metrics? After a solution was loaded and successfully build, it can be analyzed by pressing the "Analyze Solution" button. The Code Metrics Viewer will utilize the power tool to create the code metric report for each assembly in the solution. Depending on the solution size, this can take a while... The results will be shown in the grid. The filter bar can be used to navigate quickly through the report.