Display a text watermark over the Visual Studio editor. Ensure your name, handle, URI, or other important text is always visible on the screen. The highlighted text may appear as part of the text in the editor but is floating above it. It stays put when you scroll. Fully ConfigurableSize, position, color, and text are fully configurable. Go to Tools > Options and select Water Mark Use placeholdersShow something different for each file with placeholders. This can help you (or anyone looking at the screen) differentiate files more easily. Simply enter one of the following in the configured
If any of the placeholders can't be resolved, they're replaced with an empty string. Display ImagesDisplay an image rather than text. To do this, set the This extension is provided free of charge but will periodically include a message in the output window asking you to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this and other extensions by becoming a sponsor. |