Produce accurate business document with Intersoft’s WebSpellChecker, an easy-to-use, yet powerful spell checking component for ASP.NET. In addition to typical spell check features that you expected, WebSpellChecker also delivers several innovative features not available elsewhere, such as Microsoft Word-style red-wave underline highlight, built-in dialog box with intuitive design, natural integration with WebTextEditor or standard .NET textbox, wide cross browsers support and more.
Red-wave text highlight mode. WebSpellChecker introduces more natural, intuitive way to perform spell checking with red wave highlight feature. To correct misspelled words, just right click on each word and choose the correct word from the displayed context menu. It makes spell checking faster and easier than ever. The red wave highlight feature can only be enabled on editable IFRAME. Learn more |Live demo
Sleek-dialog style mode. This mode will be automatically enabled when the target control is not an editable IFRAME. The dialog box interface includes visual elements that display checked words and the suggestion words list. Learn more |Live demo
Advanced spell checking features. It’s more than simply correcting typos. WebSpellChecker combines rich visual with advanced spell checking features to provide the most accurate and hassle-free spell checking. It offers the freedom to customize some basic spell checking features, such as: maximum suggested text, and more. WebSpellChecker is also designed to fit in other .NET text controls, besides WebTextEditor. Learn more |Live demo
High customizability and programmability. With comprehensive collections of client-side events and APIs provided, WebSpellChecker gives you more advanced control and configuration. It literally lets you perform any necessary processing elegantly. WebSpellChecker is also designed to be highly customizable. You can change the visual and textual elements, from misspelled highlight line to the buttons’ text – anything according to your creativity. Learn more |Live demo