Intersoft ClientUI® is built on the top of powerful framework and standards-compliance architecture enabling various UI challenges to be addressed in an elegant and efficient manner. Many of the frameworks that power ClientUI's controls are exposed to be available for public use.
Intersoft ClientUI® is built on the top of powerful framework and standards-compliance architecture enabling various UI challenges to be addressed in an elegant and efficient manner. Many of the frameworks that power ClientUI's controls - such as routed events, routed commands, binding library, drag-drop, MVVM framework and more - are exposed to be available for public use. The routed events, routed commands and MVVM-ready frameworks are paramount in today's modern RIA applications in order to deliver rich command interface and consistent user experiences throughout the application. In addition, ClientUI also ships with comprehensive DragDrop behaviors and cross-platform APIs to create compelling and natural user experiences.
Event Aggregator NEW An advanced event manager that facilitates the decoupling of publisher and subscribers messaging between different parts of applications. See Demo
Binding Library An essential binding library to simplify UI development through declarative XAML binding capability, such as PropertyBinding, BindingDescriptor and DataBinding engine. See Demo
Command Reference A multi-purpose component facilitating declarative XAML binding between KeyBinding and Command in a MVVM pattern application. See Demo
Delegate Command A commanding component for defining the Commands and its logic in a ViewModel and bind to them in the View through Command property. See Demo
DragDrop Library A powerful library that provides drag drop feature in various scenarios from basic moving to advanced drop action. See Demo
Hybrid Command An advanced commanding component featuring CanQueryStatus and QueryStatus capability in addition to the standard CanExecute and Executed command. See Demo
Routed Command A powerful commanding control that lets you write the logic in a separate layer, bound through command binding in the view level. See Demo
Routed Events A powerful eventing framework in modern client user interface platform which notifies the occuring event to its parent or child through visual tree walkthrough. See Demo