Displays the Full Qualified Assembly Name and Full Qualified Class Type Names. Helpful, if you want to reference in a app.config or web.config file to an assembly.
Displays the full qualified assembly name and full qualified class type names.
Very helpful, if you want to refer from an app.config or web.config file to an assembly.
Integrated into the References context menu
Advanced Assembly Information Window
Gives you information about the
assembly path
full qualified assembly name
full qualified type names in the assembly
location of the assembly (is from GAC or not)
and allows you to
browse through the class types in the assembly
filter the class types
copy the information into the clipboard with a single click
Dynamically loads all other assembly references belonging to the project if any types of an assembly could not be resolved (If there are some warnings or not all types are displayed in Advanced Assembly Information Window, then please notify me)
Fixes bug and shows error message, when an assembly reference does not exist (small exclamation mark next to the assembly in Visual Studio)