This package is just an upgrade to AttachTo extention to support VS 2013 (Thanks to Whut VS) (AttachTo Extention : /vsgallery/d0265ab0-df51-4100-8e10-1f84403c4cd0)
Check out the source code(fork) at
Changelog AttachTo v1.0.2 - 2014-01-14 - Support VS 2013
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details of Extention from main AttachTo extention page :
Adds "Attach to IIS", "Attach to IIS Express" and "Attach to NUnit" commands to Tools menu.
Now you can start debugging web site hosted in local IIS server or failing NUnit test quicker than before:)
AttachTo extension provides options to hide commands not relevant to you. You can also assign shortcut using Tools -> Options -> Keyboard.
Check out the source code at