Task Runner Explorer support for Rollup.js - The next generation JavaScript module bundler. See the change log for changes and road map. PrerequisitesMake sure that Rollup.js is installed globally using npm:
That's all the requirements needed to use this extension. Features
Task Runner ExplorerWhen a project or solution contains a file named rollup.config.js, the Task Runner Explorer will load the relevant Rollup.js tasks: If it finds other configuration files starting with rollup.config. in the same directory as rollup.config.js then it will display each of those files under each task node. This allows you to run the tasks for a particular configuration file. Event bindingsAny task can be associated with a Visual Studio event, such as Project Open. Simply right-click a task in Task Runner Explorer to set the bindings. CLI switchesOn the left side of Task Runner Explorer, buttons are present to apply switches to the commands. The switches are: Sourcemap - Generates sourcemap files ( Disable use strict - Disables "use strict" ( Disable indentation - No indentation in generated code ( NoConflict - Generates a NoConflict method for UMD globals ( ContributeCheck out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project. For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project. License |