A snippet pack to make you more productive working with React.js. Based on the snippets from theAtom React Plugin. 
Snippets include commonly used React specific boilerplate. 
The snippets match the ones found here: http://orktes.github.io/atom-react/#snippets-list Here's the full list: cdm - componentDidMount: fn() { ... } cdm6 - ES6 version cdup - componentDidUpdate: fn(pp, ps) { ... } cwm - componentWillMount: fn() { ... } cwm6 - ES6 version cwr - componentWillReceiveProps: fn(np) { ... } cwun - componentWillUnmount: fn() { ... } cwun6 - ES6 version cwu - componentWillUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } cwu6 - ES6 version cx - cx({ ... }) fup - forceUpdate(...) gdp - getDefaultProps: fn() { return {...} } gis - getInitialState: fn() { return {...} } ism - isMounted() pt - propTypes { ... } pt6 - ES6 version rcc - component skeleton rcc6 - ES6 version ren - render: fn() { return ... } ren6 - ES6 version sst - setState({ ... }) scu - shouldComponentUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } scu6 - ES6 version props - this.props. props6 - ES6 version state - this.state. trp - transferPropsTo( ... ) rrc - render(component, container, [callback])
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