Remove all comments in any file with a click of a button. Can also remove #regions and preserve XML Doc comments. See the changelog for changes and roadmap. Features
Find the commands in the Edit top level menu. ExamplesHere are some examples of before and after the comments have been removed JSONBefore: { // Single-line comment "foo": { /* multi line comment */ "prop": 12 }} After: { "foo": { "prop": 12 }} CSharpBefore: /// <summary>/// Foo bar/// </summary>public class Class1{ /* multi line comment */ void Hat() { //single-line comment for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(i); // same-line comment } }} After: public class Class1{ void Hat() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(i); } }} ContributeCheck out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project. For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project. License |