Use the full power of smartfacts in your environment & link your source code with modeldata Nowadays it is very hard to get the two worlds, IT Architects (theoretical part) and Engeneers (programming) together and make the interface transparent. With the Visual Studio extension for smartfacts you can get the planned software in an UML model and link your code exactly with the artefacts. It is possible to get additional information like comments from smartfacts and get in touch with your Stakeholders. The engineer do not have to change his environment and get the full power of smartfacts in his tool directly in Visual Studio.
smartfacts is the leading platform for web based publishing and sharing models It even integrates your models with others from Enterprise Architect, VISIO, ARIS and many more. Just start a 30 day trial, publish your model to smartfacts and invite others to review and collaborate on your models. Strong search engine, multi-version handling, collaboration and analysis bring a class of its own experience in consuming models. |